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Hell On Earth (Book 6): Rebirth Page 35

  “We are responsible for our own welfare, thank you very much. We don’t want your help.”

  There was silence on the line. She had no idea what Capri was thinking – or even what he was like as a person – but she knew he was nowhere near backing down. The game would go on far longer than this.

  “Spokeswoman, if you do not comply with the demands of the German Confederation, you will be forced to comply. Surely you understand this?”

  “I’m afraid you’re the one who doesn’t understand. You’ve built yourself an empire, Capri, congratulations. The thing about empires, though, is that they fall. War is fleeting; only peace can make us immortal. New Hope is willing to be a close friend and ally to the German Confederation. In fact, we have already done more for your people than you have done for yourself?”

  “Explain this.”

  “We’re the reason the demons are gone. Perhaps you already knew that. I’ve had my people radioing out to whoever will listen on the continent, telling them how a handful of brave survivors in Portsmouth managed to close the final gate and defeat the demons once and for all. We’ve managed to speak with several of your ship commanders and many of your fishermen… even the odd hobbyist with a dusty CB. Basically, anyone with a radio knows that we’re the good guys. It’s really going to confuse them if you attack us.”

  Capri growled. “I won’t be cowed by propaganda. While I respect what you people did in the war for mankind’s survival, my people will do as I command. Stories mean nothing to men and women who wish to eat.”

  “You’re misguided, Chancellor. Don’t you see that you’re taking mankind down the same path it was on before the demons came. Force a man to kneel and all he will do is dream of freedom. Give a man freedom and he will dream of a better world. We can build that better world, Capri. New Hope will not kneel, but it is willing to offer a hand in friendship. My people are brave. They are ferocious. Stick a hand through our bars and we will bite you.”

  “Even so, you shall be crushed.”

  “And the stain of that will follow you around for the rest of your life. You’ll be remembered as a tyrant who subjugated heroes and warriors. Do you really want mankind to begin again with more atrocity? Have we not earned peace? Can we not work together for something wonderful? What kind of a man do you want to be, Chancellor? What kind of world do you want to live in?”

  More silence on the line. Then, “Hand over Commander Klein and I will consider it the start of a new friendship. The German Confederation will not tolerate nuclear capabilities under foreign command.”

  Maddy sighed. She turned a couple of switches and opened a second line. “Klein? Are you hearing this?”

  “Yes, fräulein. Capri wishes to be friends.”

  “If you hand over your nukes.”

  “Ja. Men always seem to want them. It’s getting very tiresome.”

  “I’ll bet. Should we hand them over?”

  “Ja! Activating launch sequence in drei, zwei, ein.”

  Capri came back on the line. “Wait! Wait, what are you doing?”

  Maddy snarled. “Sending you those nukes you want so badly.”

  “Nein. You are insane. What have you done? This is madness.”

  “You’re right,” said Maddy. “Killing each other after what we’ve just lived through is madness. It doesn’t matter how strong you are, Capri. You’re just a man, and you can be killed. If you continue to threaten New Hope, I’ll be the one to kill you, just like I killed General Thomas. He, too, thought he was strong. He, too, thought I was weak. Yet I live while his body rots.”

  “You’re a murderer. You just authorised a nuclear—”

  “I just authorised Commander Klein to relinquish his warheads into the sea. Right now they are probably headed, unarmed, into the English Channel. There, they will sink harmlessly to the seabed and hopefully stay there for all of time.”

  “What? You are more insane than I thought. Those warheads were the only leverage you had.”

  “You’re right. I could have kept you at bay with the threat of using them. That’s why you’ve been so eager to get your hands on them. Probably to use them as your own leverage against China and Russia. I hear they’ve become quite friendly recently.”

  “Ja! And they no doubt have nuclear weapons of their own.”

  “Perhaps, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to try and put out a fire by starting a bigger fire. Klein’s nuclear warheads are gone. They will never kill anybody. I’ll never be tempted to fire them at you and kill your innocent citizens. I won’t be brought down to your level, Capri. New Hope is no threat to the German Confederation. The only thing you have to gain here is an ally, if you want it.”

  Capri hissed. “Our radars have detected multiple jet signatures over the English Channel. Is it true? Has Klein really disarmed?”

  Klein answered, still on the line. “I am glad to be free of the wretched things. They are zunk to the bottom of the sea.”

  “Heaven’s above. I can hardly believe what I am dealing with. You people are fools.”

  “We are people who just want to live in peace, Capri. Will you take that away from us?”

  “No. You have proven that you are fiercely independent, and that is no problem providing you remain on your island. The German Confederation offers friendship and alliance to the people of New Hope, and recognises its sovereignty over the former British Isles. Remain peaceful or said alliance will end.”

  Maddy looked at James, barely able to keep from gushing with happiness. She kept her cool and finished the call. “The people of New Hope thank you. Best health to the German people, and cheers to you, Capri.”

  “Ja! Auf wiedersehen.”

  Maddy switched off the radio and threw herself into James’s arms. “Commander Tosco, did I really just do that?”

  “Spokeswoman Maddy, I believe you just did.”

  She smothered him in kisses and then stepped back. There was no benefit in getting excited. She had to stay focused. “Do you believe Capri will keep to his word?”

  James shrugged. “We’ll spread the good news of our newly acquired friendship on the airwaves. Capri needs his people to respect his decisions, so he won’t attack an ally without cause. We just have to play nice and be friends like we said we would. Capri’s biggest concern is competition, and he has enough of that with China and Russia. He doesn’t need any distractions.”

  Maddy shuddered at the mention of China and Russia, mainly because she knew so little about what was going on there. “Do you think they’ll ever go to war? After all that’s happened?”

  “No, I don’t. I think it’s a land grab, and eventually the chips will fall where they may. The worst we’ll get is a cold war. No man wants to be the first to fire a bullet at his fellow man after we survived extinction. History has taught us too much to see sense in war, and the demons taught us too much to see sense in killing. Whether men like Capri realise it or not, mankind has changed. We are fearless warriors, and yet every one of us yearns for peace. It’ll take time for us to figure everything out, but I think you just proved that there’s hope for us all.”

  Maddy frowned at him. “How did I prove that?”

  “You just stopped a war with nothing but words. You formed an alliance without giving anything away. You made a friend of an enemy. No one can control the actions of others, but we can decide who we want to be, and you just decided who we are.”

  “And who are we?”

  “The good guys. Let’s never be anything else.”

  “Cheers to that!” She rubbed her tired eyes and moaned. Tiredness existed in every cell of her body, and all she wanted to do was sleep, but there would be time for that later. “Okay, James. Take me to this pond you found. I need to clear my head.”

  James offered his arm. “If the lady would accompany me.”

  “A lady would be thrilled.” Maddy took her lover’s arm and they headed for the door. Outside, New Hope awaited them.

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  Plea From the Author

  Hey, Reader. So you got to the end of my book. I hope that means you enjoyed it. Whether or not you did, I would just like to thank you for giving me your valuable time to try and entertain you. I am truly blessed to have such a fulfilling job, but I only have that job because of people like you; people kind enough to give my books a chance and spend their hard-earned money buying them. For that I am eternally grateful.

  If you would like to find out more about my other books then please visit my website for full details. You can find it at:

  Also feel free to contact me on Facebook, Twitter, or email (all details on the website), as I would love to hear from you.

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  Also by Iain Rob Wright

  Animal Kingdom

  AZ of Horror


  Holes in the Ground (with J.A.Konrath)



  The Final Winter

  The Housemates

  Sea Sick



  The Picture Frame

  Wings of Sorrow

  The Gates






  House Beneath the Bridge

  The Peeling

  Blood on the bar


  Dark Ride

  12 Steps

  The Room Upstairs

  Sarah Stone Thriller Series

  Soft Target

  Hot Zone

  End Play


  Diary of a flummoxed father

  Iain Rob Wright is one of the UK's most successful horror and suspense writers, with novels including the critically acclaimed, THE FINAL WINTER; the disturbing bestseller, ASBO; and the wicked screamfest, THE HOUSEMATES.

  His work is currently being adapted for graphic novels, audio books, and foreign audiences. He is an active member of the Horror Writer Association and a massive animal lover.


  For more information

  Copyright © 2020 by Iain Rob Wright

  Cover Photographs © Shutterstock

  Artwork by Stuart Bache at Books Covers Ltd

  Editing by Richard Sheehan

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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